Blog Latest News Notice Board


Kasese district will be celebrating 5oyeears of existence this year .Preparations for the golden jubilee celebrations were launched yesterday at council hall by the deputy RDC incharge of Busongora, Mr. Mubingwa Zephanus.

As he commissioned the members of the organizing committee , Mr. Mubingwa Zephanus called upon the organizing committee to ensure proper coordination and  consultation of stakeholders. He asked the Chief Administration officer to work on appointing members of the committee to ensure they operate legally. Mr Mubingwa also called upon all stakeholders to treat the golden jubilee celebrations as a national function and desist from doing anything that would demean the function.

The district  was established in the year 1974 as it was curved out of Tooro District which was first named Rwenzori district and later named Kasese District .The district political leadership proposed celebrations in the month of October 2024 with the major objective of appreciating the key milestones the district has achieved since her creation.

Hon. Monday Girivazio, the Secretary Social Services who represented the district chairperson said that it was their previlage for the district to mark 50 yrs during their regime and they saw it wise to have this golden jubilee celebrated. He said that the chief guest will be H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni but they are still waiting for his confirmation. Hon. Monday called upon stakeholders to embrace this celebration and engage in preparations to have a successful event.

Among the activities to celebrate the celebrations will be ; Recognizing and awarding of the key people who have contributed to the development of Kasese, planting trees, documenting the milestones Kasese has taken as a district, among others.

Stakeholders who attended the launch at council hall including religious leaders, cultural leaders , members of security , technical staff, among others, appreciated the idea of celebrating golden Jubilee and committed to support preparations.

The end.


Blog Latest News Notice Board

CAO meets Kahokya Widows.

The Chief Administrative Officer Kasese District Local Government, Mr. Byamungu Elias convened a meeting with Kahokya widows  yesterday 22nd February 2023 at St. Johns COU, Kahokya.

According to Mr. Byamungu Elias, his agenda of meeting with widows who lost their husbands to armed conflicts, poaching and other effects of the war  was to see how their livelihoods can be supported under programs of Government.

Mr. Byamungu said that he was overwhelmed by the report he received from the community leaders indicating such a big number of 90 widows in just a Subcounty and even got more surprised to meet over 150 widows in the meeting.

He asked the Ag. Subcounty Chief , Mr. Muke Selevano to work with office of the District Community Development Officer to organize the widows in groups through which they can be supported under different programs of Government.

He committed to submit their groups to  the Office of the Prime Minister for support under Rwenzori Luwero Development  Program  and asked them to also positively utilize other government initiatives like Parish development model to improve their livelihoods.

The over 150 widows who attended the meeting cried out for support from government to improve their  income to support raise their Children who need school fees.

Biira Yodesi  a widow of 38 years who lost her husband in 2010 said that her husband’s family chased her from her land with her 7 children.  she added that she is struggling to raise the young children from her parents home and she is facing the biggest challenge of school fees. She appealed to government for support to buy some goats which she can be grazing and raise some funds to support her children.

According to the life stories of the widows shared in the meeting , a big number of them  have additionally undergone gender Based Violence after the death of their husbands and have either been displaced from their land to their parents homes with their children.

The Chief Administrative Officer committed gave a word of comfort and assured them of his commitment to lobby for support from the Office of the Prime Minister under the Luwero Rwenzori Micro Development Program.

The end .



Blog Latest News Notice Board


Kasese district local Government celebrated 43rd Tarehe Sita anniversary yesterday 7th February 2024 in Hima town council, under the theme: “Celebrating the people’s struggle for unity, security and peace for social economic transformation”.

The event organized by UPDF in conjunction with Kasese District Local government was presided over by the Resident District Commissioner LT.Joe Walusimbi and in attendance was sizable representation of the army, political leaders, technical leaders and members of the public.

Tarehe Sita, is a commemoration of the February 6, 1981 when the five-year guerilla war that brought President Museveni to power was launched, with an attack on Kabamba Military Barracks.

The function was commemorated with a series of activities by UPDF united with the community including blood donation , screening of HIV and cervical cancer, cleaning of town prior to the event, band matching and a football match between UPDF and the community.

Speaking at the function, the RDC LT. Joe Walusimbi commended his Excellency the president of the republic of Uganda for building a highly disciplined army.

He asked UPDF to maintain their discipline and royalty to the people however, without compromising their core mandate of keeping security of the people and the territorial boarders.

He also hailed the Brig. Commander and the RPC for the good collaboration in keeping the security of Kasese district.

The Brig Commander, Kabira barracks Col. Nabimanya Saulo who was in lead of organizing the Tarehe Sita commemoration in Kasese, called upon members of the community to scale up their collaboration with security in keeping security of the district.

He asked asked everyone to ensure they  have contacts of the security team for easy communication in case any security issue rises and to stop going through a long protocol to raise a security alert.

He assured the community of  UPDF commitment  to keep security of Kasese and asked for positive collaboration.

Col. Nabimanya said that as UPDF, they are commemorating the Tarehe sita to recognize the contribution of UPDF in transforming this country and to remember the fallen soldiers who died in the struggle of liberating this country.
At the same event, the Regional Police Commander Rwenzori East, SSP Nanoka Moses hailed Museveni for achieving comprehensive transformation in both political and civil service since he took over power.

He asked all the security forces to embrace other government programs and utilize different initiatives of government to improve their welfare.

The district Chairperson, Hon Muhindi Erifaz Bukombi appreciated UPDF  for keeping security of the boarder  and the community for the positive collaboration.

He asked the community to continue working with UPDF to transform for comprehensive tranformation.

Hon .Muhindi asked  the RDC to consider organizing and an ideological orientation in Kyangwazi on  mindset change.

He appreciated all efforts made to organize a successful Tarehe sita commemoration in Kasese.

The end.

Blog Latest News Notice Board


Kasese District Local Government has commissioned Buhuhira HC III in  Busongora North today 6th January 2024 and handed over medical equipment to 3 health facilities including Bwesumbu, Buhuhira and Kabatunda HC IIIs. The commissioning and handover has been officiated by the RDC LT. Joe Walusimbi.

Buhuhira HCIII is located in Busongora North and serves a population of over 20,000 people in 5 parishes of Buhuhira, Bughendero, kithoma, Kasambya and muhumuza. This community has been undergoing challenges of access to maternal health services where the nearby health facility has been Rwesande HC IV which is located over 10 Kilometres from Buhuhira HC III.

In a project report presented by the Ag District Engineer  Asiimwe Ronald,
upgrading /construction of Buhuhira HC II to Health Centre III cost 654,136,098=
The project Key components include,  4 stance VIP toilet, Medical waste pit, Placenta pit, medical pit latrine and renovation of OPD .

The Ag District Engineer asked the district leadership to allow funds relocation of funds for renovation of OPD to fencing the facility for safety of the medical equipment.

While addressing the public at the commissioning and handover event, The RDC LT Joe walusimbi asked the medical workers to ensure services are effectively delivered to the community.

He urged the health incharges to strengthen his leadership skills for smooth running of the facility.

The RDC asked Buhuhira community to continue cooperating government to gain more services delivered to them.

The deputy CAO Kasese, Mr Begumya Eliab Ntarwete appreciated Buhuhira community for showing commitment by turning up massively to attend the commissioning event of their facility.

He asked the health workers of Buhuhira HC III not to disappoint the community by ensuring effective service delivery.


The CAO also asked the incharges who had received the medical equipment to engrave them for safety.

Speaking at the commissioning event, the LCV chairperson, Hon.Muhindi Erifaz asked members of the public to support the ruling government since they are delivering services effectively.

He said that it’s the plan of government to elevate all HC IIs to IIIs and allocate all health IIIs Medical doctors for better health service delivery.

He assured members of the community that government is committed to strengthening health service delivery.

Kabatunda Health Centre III worthy 17, 8280, 000= and Bwesumbu HC III received medical equipment worthy 134,826,087 = and all funded by world bank under UGIFT Program.

The end.

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District releases PLE results 2023.

Kasese District Local Government has released PLE results today 31st January 2023 at multipurpose hall.

PLE results were released by the Uganda Examination Board (UNEB) on Thursday, 25th January 2024.

Performance of schools in Kasese (main) has remarkably improved compared to the past 4 years with  6.3% passing in Division I, 55.9% in Division II, Division III, 9.5 % in Division IV and 5 % in  U, this excludes the municipality.  However 2% registered but never appeared to do exams thus graded in U.

The best government performing schools in the district were, Ruboni, Bwera COU, Katwe Boarding, St.John Bukangara , Kagando P/s , Hima Public,  Kalonge I, Mweya p/s. And the worst performing schools in the district were, Kahendero P/s, Maghoma, Nyakanengo, St. Augustine Kitabu , Kyondo, and Kasenyi.

Exams of 3 schools were withheld, affecting 112 students who will be appearing before the security committee of UNEB before they take the final decision.

To improve performance of schools this year 2024, the acting district education officer Mr.Thabugha Ernest said that his office has laid strategies to improve delivery of education services in the district. Among them are;

Strengthening community sensitization and awareness creation being on top of the agenda,
Equitable and transparent distribution of human resource to fight against issues of understaffing and over staffing,
Encouraging co- curriculum activities in schools because they motivate children to keep in schools,
Mobilization of funding for schools,

Establishing centers of excellence which will be model centres for the poorly performing schools, among others.

The Chief Administrative Officer Mr. Byamungu Elias asked all head teachers to work towards improving performance of their schools this year. He gave every head teacher a target of adding a minimum of at least 2 first grade, per school.

Mr. Byamungu promised to reward the best performing schools in the district including the best performing students for motivation and encouragement of other students.

The district chairperson called upon stakeholders to enhance monitoring of teachers, pupils and parents.

He expressed his disappointment on the 213 pupils who appeared in grade X because they registered but could not turn up for exams. He said, that it’s because of monitoring gap of leaners and teachers.

The district chairperson asked the teachers to play their part to ensure education services are effectively delivered.

In the same meeting, the RDC LT. Joe Walusimbi, condemned the issue of teachers sending the children out of school for fees. He asked the teachers to rather focus on doing their part of service delivery and allow the most vulnerable children in the community to have access to education.

It’s among the strategies of education department Kasese to strengthen monitoring of schools with hope to improve performance of schools.

Congratulations to the primary seven candidates 2023.

The end.

Blog Latest News Notice Board


In a bid to combat the spread of Anthrax from the neighboring districts to Kasese, District Task force has resolved to consult the law on how they can ban the trade of meat coming from Sanka to Kasese District.

Anthrax outbreak was reported in Kyotera District in the month of June and over 15 cases have been confirmed in Kyotera.

Though Kasese has not yet received any Positive Case of Anthrax, the trade of illegal meat from Sanka has remained the biggest threat to transfer anthrax to the district. In addition, Kasese remains the major route for transporting animals from Uganda to DRC .

This triggered the district Task force to hold a planning meeting to do early preparations in case of any eventualities.

According to the District Veterinary Officer Dr. Kibaya Yusuf, consumption of meat in Kasese is very high which exposes the community to a very high risk of acquiring Anthrax.

Dr. Kibaya condemned the trade of  Sanka meat which he said is coming from dead animals that traders buy cheaply and sell in Kasese district at a very low price.

He reported to the task force that sofar they have buried 2 cows which were suspected to be having Anthrax however, results came out negative.

He appealed to the leaders to support regulation of trade of meat in the district and fighting transportation of contaminated meat from Sanka which is a biggest threat to all efforts to control the spread of Anthrax.

The RDC LT. Joe Walumbi called upon all stakeholders to join efforts with the Task Force to prevent the spread of anthrax to the district. He asked all members of the district task force to make public health a priority and avoid defending illegal actions which put the public health at a risk.

The RPC Rwenzori region pledged cooperation with other stake holders to fight illegal trade of non-inspected meat in the district to protect the public from Anthrax and other health hazards.

The Principal Health Inspector , Kasese Municipality ,Mr. Kabagambe said that  there is no public health law that allows transportation of un preserved meat from one district to another. He added that the law only allows transportation of live animals not dead animals.

The district Task force formed a small committee of technical stakeholders to consult and interpret the law to guide their actions against illegal trade of meat in the district.





Latest News Notice Board

Job advert Dec 2023




 Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the following vacant posts that exist in Kasese District Local Government.

Applications should be submitted in triplicate on PSF Form 3 (Revised 2008) to the Secretary, District Service Commission P.O. Box 250, Kasese to reach him not later than Friday 22nd December 2023 at 5:00 pm.

Application forms can be obtained from the Kasese District Service Commission Offices or can be downloaded from the Public Service Commission website

Applications should bear the title and Reference Number of the post applied for.

Serving officers must route their applications through their Responsible Officers who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay

Applicants should attach to each of the three application forms certified copies of all relevant academic Certificates and transcripts that they may hold, their recent passport size photographs, practicing/registration Licence, and copies of appointment and confirmation letters (where applicable)  and a photocopy of the National Identity Card.

Details of this job advert can also be obtained from the Kasese District Service Commission office and District Notice Boards, the respective Job Descriptions and Specifications for Jobs in Local Governments (2011 & 2017) and Schemes of Service issued from time to time all of which can be viewed from the Ministry of Public Service Website at www.public



Job Title:             District Education Officer

Ref. No:               KSE/DSC/156/28/2023

Salary Scale:        U1 E

Reports to:          Chief Administrative Officer

Responsible for:   Senior Education Officer

Principal Inspector of Schools

Sports Officer

Job Purpose:        To coordinate and provide technical and professional guidance in the management of Education and Sports policies, plans and programmes in the District.

Duties of the post

  • Implementing Education laws, policies and regulations;
  • Implementing approved education and sports development plans, strategies, and council
  • decisions;
  • Providing technical and professional advice;
  • Organizing and Facilitating teachers’ training programmes;
  • Coordinating school inspection and sports programmes; and
  • Maintaining an updated teachers’ personnel data bank.

Person specifications

(i) Qualifications

Should hold an Honours Bachelors Degree with Education from a recognized University or Institution.

Either a Masters Degree in Education Planning and Management or Human Resource Management or Public Administration and Management or other related managerial fields from a recognized university or institution.


 At least six (9) years working experience, three of which must have been in management of an education institution or gained from a professional experience in a managerial capacity at the level of Principal Education Officer.

(iii) Competences

  • Planning, organizing, and coordinating;
  • Human resource management;
  • Accountability;
  • Communication;
  • Concern for quality and standards; and


Job Title:             District Community Development Officer

Ref. No:               KSE/DSC/156/29/2023

Salary Scale:        U1 E

Reports to:          Chief Administrative Officer

Responsible for:   Senior Community Development Officer (Gender, Culture and Community Development)

Senior Community Development Officer (Disability &Elderly)

Senior Labour Officer (Labour Employment &Industrial relations)

Senior Probation and Welfare Officer (Probation, Youth and Children)

Job Purpose:        To coordinate all community-based services in the District and community participation in development

programmes and projects.

Duties of the post

  • Coordinating the effective delivery of community-based services in the District;
  • Monitoring community centers, vocational training institutions, children remand homes and other community establishments;
  • Monitoring and evaluating the effective implementation of National and local laws and policies on gender, labour and social development;
  • Advising Council on policy and related matters regarding gender, labour and social development;
  • Liaising with NGOs, Community-Based Organizations and other stakeholders on matters regarding community development;
  • Supervising work places to conform to national policies and standards on occupational health and safety;
  • Monitoring and evaluating community awareness and involvement in socio-economic
  • development initiatives;
  • Coordinating the collection, analysis and dissemination of labour information;
  • Managing the discharge of statutory obligations regarding community care, protection and welfare; and
  • Supervising the registration and promotion of community development groups.

Person Specifications.

(i) Qualifications

An Honors Bachelor Degree in Social Sciences, Development Studies, Rural Development studies or Social Work and Social Administration from a recognized University/ Institution and post Graduate Diploma in a related field.


Should have a working experience of not less than 9 years 3 of which should have been served at a the level of Principal Community Development Officer in government or equivalent level of experience from a reputable organization.

(iii) Competences

  • Planning, organizing and coordinating;
  • Human Resource management;
  • Project Management;
  • Accountability;
  • Concern for quality and standards;
  • Communication; and
  • Time management.


Job Title:               Economist

Ref. No.               KSE/DSC/156/30/2023

Salary Scale:        U4

Reports to:          Senior Planner/Senior Economist/Senior Statistician

Job Purpose:        To collect, analyse and process statistical data and information to help in the planning, budgeting and

policy development.

Duties of the post.

  • Collecting, analysing and storing Data;
  • Producing statistical reports;
  • Appraising Development projects;
  • Organising and implementing National Surveys; and
  • Providing technical support on statistical matters to Local Government.

Person specification

(i) Qualifications

An Honours Bachelor Degree in Economics from a recognised Institution.


  • Planning, organizing and coordinating;
  • Project Planning and Management;
  • Information Communication Technology (ICT);
  • Records and information management;
  • Concern for quality and standards;
  • Communication; and
  • Time management.


 Job: Title:            Artisan Mate (Plumber)

Ref. No.               KSE/DSC/156/31/2023

Salary Scale:        U8

Job Purpose:        To assist the line technician maintain and repair of medical equipment

Key functions

  • Cleaning and keeping the workshop
  • Preparing and settling tools for work
  • Collecting tools from the workshop for storage
  • Maintaining and servicing machines
  • Compiling and submitting reports


Must have a Uganda Certificate of Education

Relevant trade certificate (Craft I, II & III)


Job Title:             Senior Assistant Engineering Officer (Mechanical)

Ref. No.               KSE/DSC/156/32/2023

Salary Scale:        U4

Reports to:          District Engineer

Responsible for:   Engineering Assistant (Mechanical)

Job Purpose:        To carry out routine maintenance and repair of district heavy machinery, equipment and vehicles.

Duties of the post;

  • Identifying faults on motor vehicles/cycles and other machines;
  • Supervising repair works in the department;
  • Certifying repair works by contractors;
  • Requisitioning for funds for the purchases of spares; and
  • Preparing payment certificates for completed works.

Person Specifications

(i) Qualifications

Should hold a Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognised institution.

(ii) Experience:

Three years practical experience in Mechanical works at the level of Assistant Engineering Officer (Mechanical).


  • Planning, organizing and coordinating;
  • Accountability;
  • Concern for quality and standards;
  • Ethics and integrity;
  • Time management.


  1. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
  2. All services of the Kasese District service commission are provided free of charge and equal opportunity is given to all qualified applicants.


District Service Commission

























Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the following vacant posts that exist in Kasese District Local Government.


Applications should be submitted in triplicate on PSF Form 3 (Revised 2008) to the Secretary, District Service Commission P.O. Box 250, Kasese to reach him not later than Friday 22nd December 2023 at 5:00 pm.


Application forms can be obtained from the Kasese District Service Commission Offices or can be downloaded from the Public Service Commission website


Applications should bear the title and Reference Number of the post applied for.


Serving officers must route their applications through their Responsible Officers who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay


Applicants should attach to each of the three application forms certified copies of all relevant academic Certificates and transcripts that they may hold, their recent passport size photographs, practicing/registration Licence, and copies of appointment and confirmation letters (where applicable)  and a photocopy of the National Identity Card.


Details of this job advert can also be obtained from the Kasese District Service Commission office and District Notice Boards, the respective Job Descriptions and Specifications for Jobs in Local Governments (2011 & 2017) and Schemes of Service issued from time to time all of which can be viewed from the Ministry of Public Service Website at www.public



Job Title:               Senior Education Officer

Ref. No.                 KSE/DSC/156/33/2023

Salary Scale:        U3

No. vacancies:     01

Reports to:          Principal Education Officer

Responsible for:   Education Officer


Job Purpose:        To support the implementation of educational policies, plans and Programmes.


Duties of the post


  • Guiding head teachers and school management committees on the implementation of educational
  • policies, plans and programmes;
  • Monitoring Educational institution and producing status reports;
  • Developing Education management systems and plans; and
  • Attending to Teachers’ administrative issues.


Person Specifications


(i) Qualifications.


Should hold an Honours Bachelors Degree with Education from a recognized university or institution.

Either a Post Graduate Diploma in Education Planning and Management or Human Resources Management or Public Administration and Management or other related Managerial fields from a recognized University or Institution.


(ii) Experience.


At least three (3) years working experience in the teaching profession and education management as Education officer.


(iii) Competences


  • Planning, organizing and coordinating;
  • Human resource management;
  • Coaching and mentoring;
  • Communication;
  • Concern for quality and standards and
  • Time management.


Job Title:              Head Teacher

Ref. No.                 KSE/DSC/156/34/2023

No. vacancies:     07

Reports to:          Sub County Chief

Salary Scale:        U4


Job Purpose:        To manage and provide technical guidance/ leadership in the academic and administrative programmes to the institution.


Duties of the post;


  • To prepare the schemes of work/lesson plans and teach students according to the set timetable;
  • To be in charge of overall administration and management of the school;
  • To plan for the physical development of the school and professional development of the staff;
  • To plan, organize, direct and co-ordinate the teaching programmes and activities of staff and students;
  • To ensure proper planning, budgeting and accountability of the school activities and resources in consultation with the Management Committee;
  • To coordinate the functions of the Management Committee and account to them and the Ministry of Education and Sports;
  • To initiate development projects for the school and mobilize resources for their implementation;
  • To supervise and appraise all the staff and employees of the institution and assess their performance;
  • To prepare progress and summary reports for presentation and submission to the Management Committee and the Ministry of Education and Sports;
  • To direct activities concerning student admissions, provision of supplies and welfare services;
  • To participate in the implementation of the Education Sector reforms related to primary education; and
  • To plan and chair meetings on the school.


Person Specification:


(i) Qualification


Minimum of a Degree in Primary Education or the equivalent of this, from recognized


Must have attended at least four workshops/seminars and four short courses relevant to the profession;

Registered with the Ministry of Education and Sports; and

Minimum of twelve years working experience, three of which should have been at Deputy Head Teacher or Principal Education Assistant level with administrative responsibilities.


(ii) Competences

  • Organization skills;
  • Child Development skills ;
  • Management skills, Teaching skills;
  • Communication/ Presentation skills;
  • Interpersonal skills;
  • Evaluation skills;
  • Human Resource Management skills;
  • Financial Management skills;
  • Record Keeping skills;
  • Public relations skills;
  • Computer literacy skills; Curriculum Development;




Job Title:               Senior Assistant Town Clerk

Ref. No.                 KSE/DSC/156/35/2023

Salary Scale:        U3

No. vacancies:     01

Reports to:          Town Clerk /Principal Township Officer

Responsible for:   Human Resource Offcer

Office Supervisor

Principal Town Agents

Senior Law Enforcement Officer


Job Purpose:        To deputise the Town Clerk in providing efficient and effective administrative services in the Town Council.


Duties of the post.


  • Supervising administration within the Town Council;
  • Monitoring and evaluating the effective implementation of programmes and projects in the Town Council;
  • Providing technical support on planning and implementation of development projects in the Town Council;
  • Enhancing collaboration linkages with Local Councils and organisations both within and outside the Town Council on matters pertaining to development;
  • Assessing taxes and awarding licenses for operating business in the Town Council;
  • Interpreting local governments legislation pertaining to Town Council administration; and
  • Supervising the effective implementation of council resolutions within the Town Council.


Person Specification


(i) Qualifications

An Honors Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences, Development Studies, Social Work and Social Administration or Law or Commerce (Management option) or Business Administration (Management option) or Management Science or Urban Planning and Management from a recognized University;

A Certificate in Administrative Law from a recognized institution.

A Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration and Management or Development Administration or any other related discipline from a recognized awarding institution.


(ii) Experience.


At least three (3) years of experience as an Assistant Town Clerk or equivalent level from a public or reputable private organization.


(iii) Competences.


  • Planning, organizing and coordinating
  • Management of organization environment; Concern for quality and standards;
  • Ethics and integrity; and
  • Time management.




Job Title:               Senior Community Development Officer

Ref. No:                 KSE/DSC/156/36/2023

Salary Scale         U3

No. vacancies:     01

Reports to:          Town Clerk


Job Purpose:        To coordinate all gender, culture and community based services, programmes and projects in the district/urban council and facilitate their development.

Key Functions.


  • Coordinating the effective delivery of gender, culture and community based services in the District/ Urban Council;
  • Supervising gender, culture and community centres and other community establishments;
  • Monitoring and evaluating the effective implementation of National and local laws and policies on gender, labour and social development;
  • Advising Council on matters regarding gender, culture and community social developments;
  • Liaising with NGOs, Community Based Organizations and other stakeholders on matters regarding gender, culture and community development;
  • Monitoring and evaluating gender, culture and community awareness and involvement in socio-economic development initiatives;
  • Coordinating the collection, analysis and dissemination of gender, culture and community information; and
  • Supervising, registering and promoting gender, culture and community development groups


Person Specifications


(i) Qualifications

An Honours Degree in Arts, Social Sciences, Development Studies, Rural Development studies or Social Work and Social Administration or any related field from a recognized University or



(ii) Experience

Should have a working experience of at least 3 years at a level of a Community Development Officer in government or equivalent level of experience in a reputable organisation in the field of social development or community-based services.


(iii) Competences.


  • Planning, organizing and coordinating;
  • Communication;
  • Counseling and guidance;
  • Concern for Quality and Standards; and
  • Time management.




Job Title:               Senior Clinical Officer

Ref. No                  KSE/DSC/156/37/2023

Salary scale         U4

No. vacancies:     02

Job Purpose:        To manage delivery of effective and efficient health services in the unit


Key functions

  • Planning and budgeting for health service delivery in the Health Centre
  • Diagnosing, treating and managing patients
  • Managing and accounting for allocated medical, financial and other resources
  • Supervising the HIMS
  • Supervising, coaching, mentoring and appraising staff
  • Coordinating the implementation of the Uganda National Minimum Health Care Package
  • Enforcing the Code of conduct and ethics



Must have a Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Community Health from a Recognised Institution

Training in Management is an added advantage

Must be registered with the Allied Health Professional Council

Must have a valid practicing licence


Work experience

Atleast three years working experience as a Clinical Officer.



  • Planning , Organising and coordinating
  • Financial Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Change management
  • Coaching and mentoring




  1. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.


  1. All services of the Kasese District service commission are provided free of charge and equal opportunity is given to all qualified applicants.


District Service Commission



Blog Latest News Notice Board


His Majesty Omusinga Charles Wisley Mumbere has returned to Kasese together with his family  today 4th October 2023 nearly after seven years.

This was another historical day as millions of Rwenzururu Kingdom subjects from Kasese, Bundibugyo, Bunyangabo , Democratic Republic of Uganda and beyond saw  their King His Majesty Charles Wesley Mumbere, seven years after the 2016 Obuhikira raid by security.

The King was received at Kasese Aerodrome by religious leaders, political leaders , members of the royal family, Cultural leaders , among others at around 2:00pm  and head to Kasese Golf Course in company of crowds of his subjects who had waited for him for hours.

While addressing the crowd at Kasese Golf Course, His Majesty Omusinga Charles Wisley Mumbere mentioned that  his next agenda will focus on Peace building, Reconciliation and economic transformation.

He called upon the people of Kasese to appreciate the tourism potentials they have and utilize them for development.The representative of the president Hon. Minister Peace Mutunzo , urged the people of Kasese to put  peace building at the forefront. Shee mentioned the commitment of government to continue working with the kingdom .


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Newly Uploaded on our E-Library are the District Procurement Plan 2022-23, List of Prequalified Service Providers 2022-23 and Shortlist for Internal positions Oct 2022. Logon to our E-library and Download Copies

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Hospital Administrator Internal Job Advert

Click this link to download a copy

Notice Board



Urban forest management, tree planting and open space management intervention in Kasese municipality is a joint partnership between Kasese Municipality, Expertise France under the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) initiative to make cities in Sub Saharan Africa resilient in the fight against climate change and ensuring access to clean energy. Under CoM SSA, local authorities make a voluntary political commitment to implement climate and energy actions in their communities and agree on a long-term vision to tackle 3 pillars, namely access to sustainable energy, climate mitigation and climate adaptation.
Cognisant of this, Kasese municipality developed its Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) that was approved by the Municipal council in 2021. Wetland management intervention is part of the priority actions for the SEACAP implementation.
The CoM SSA initiative is made up of three actions:
§ Supporting the design, the implementation and the SEACAP assessment
§ Supporting investments in sustainable energy and climate
§ Supporting cooperation and twinning activities between municipalities at different levels (National, regional, international)

Its against this background that Expertise France is seeking for proposals from competent Consultants/firms in Uganda to;

  1. Develop an inventory of wetlands for Kasese Municipality, survey, demarcate their boundaries, develop a wetland management action plan with practical implementation strategy and build local capacity in participatory community based restoration of degraded wetlands.
  2. Conduct a land cover and land use mapping for Kasese Municipality with focus on forest cover, develop an urban forest management action plan and practical implementation strategy and build local capacity in GIS and urban forest management.

For details on the above two assignments and how to submit your proposals, visit the following links.

22-MAPA-S037 :   Urban forest management Action plan and Strategy development, land use and land cover mapping

22-MAPA-S038 :  Wetland Action Plan and Inventory for Kasese Municipality

Download full details on Call for Proposals-Expertise France. – Gender-Environment & Development Action – Uganda (

Deadline for submission is: August 23, 2022 18h00 (Paris Time)


Notice Board

Implementation guidelines for parish model- June 2021

Latest News Notice Board


Kasese District Local Government is proud to present this five-year Local Action Plan (LAP), 2020/2021-2024-2025 on the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325. The development of the LAP has undergone several stages, from capacity building workshops, reviews by COACT and the district team, validation workshop and presentation to District Council for approval. This is a milestone in the sustenance of effort to prevent conflict and Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Kasese district.
The LAP is aligned to the District Development Plan and the National Development Plan and addresses current and emerging conflict issues including climate change and environment disasters, land disputes, ethnic and cultural issues, women’s participation in peacebuilding processes and GBV.
GBV and conflict are not new phenomena to the people of Kasese District and Uganda as a whole. Kasese has had and witnessed violent conflicts over the years but GBV is unique and needs immediate preventive measures since it touches the function of the family thus our everyday livelihoods.
Therefore, the LAP was developed at a time when Kasese district is considering community action as an alternative measure of dispute resolution thus the need to manage and prevent conflicts at community and family levels. We shall ensure a conflict sensitive environment and social cohesion as we promote e peaceful co-existence amongst the people of Kasese district.
We are grateful to the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD), Norwegian Embassy, UN Women, Coalition for Action on 1325 (CoACT) and Rwenzori Consortium for Civic Competence (RWECO) who supported us financially and technically through the entire LAP development process. We appreciate the District Local Action Plan Taskforce that worked tirelessly to make this plan a reality.
As a district, we continue to pledge our commitment to promote peace and security in Kasese for sustainable development.

Visit our E-Library on to download a copy

Notice Board




Applications are invited from Suitably Qualified Ugandans to fill the following vacant existing posts that exist in Kasese District Local Government and Kasese Municipal Council. Applications should be submitted in triplicate on PSF Form 3 (Revised 2008) to the Secretary District Service Commission P.O.BOX 250, Kasese to reach him not later than 7th April, 2021 at 5.00Pm

Application forms are obtainable from the Chief Administrative Officer’s Office, Secretaries of District Service Commissions or Public Service Commission and the District Website. Hand Written applications with a detailed Curriculum Vitae are also acceptable

Applications should bear the title and reference Number of the Post applied for.

Applicants who are serving officers should route their applications through their Heads of Department who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay.

Applicants should attach to each of the three application forms or hand written application letters, certified copies of all relevant academic Certificates and transcripts that they may hold and together with three (3) of their recent passport size photographs and a photocopy of the National Identity Card. Applicants under Health Department MUST attach a Valid Practicing License.

Serving Applicants should also attach copies of letters of appointment, confirmation and Promotion if any, where applicable.

Download a copy of the Job Descriptions and Specifications from

Job Ref. Number Post Title No. of Vac. Salary Scale
KSE/DSC/156/01/2021 District Engineer 01 U1Sc
KSE/DSC/156/02/2021 Physical Planner 01 U4Sc
KSE/DSC/156/03/2021 Assistant Engineering Officer (Civil) 02 U5Sc
KSE/DSC/156/04/2021 Parish Chief 09 U5L
KSE/DSC/156/05/2021 Law Enforcement Assistant 01 U8
KSE/DSC/156/06/2021 Driver 02 U8
KSE/DSC/156/07/2021 Senior Agricultural Engineer (Water for Production) 01 U3Sc
KSE/DSC/156/08/2021 Veterinary Officer 01 U4Sc
KSE/DSC/156/09/2021 Entomologist 01 U4Sc
KSE/DSC/156/10/2021 Assistant Animal Husbandry Officer 02 U5Sc
KSE/DSC/156/11/2021 Education Assistant II 40 U7U
KSE/DSC/156/12/2021 Planner 01 U4U
KSE/DSC/156/13/2021 Statistician 01 U4Sc
Vacancies in Kasese Municipal Council
KSE/DSC/156/14/2021 Assistant Inventory Management Officer 01 U5
KSE/DSC/156/15/2021 Principal Education Officer (Re-Advertised) 01 U2
KSE/DSC/156/16/2021 Medical Officer 02 U4Med
KSE/DSC/156/17/2021 Clinical Officer 01 U5Med
KSE/DSC/156/18/2021 Anaesthetic Officer 01 U5Med
KSE/DSC/156/19/2021 Enrolled Midwife 03 U7Med
KSE/DSC/156/20/2021 Health Assistant 01 U7Med
KSE/DSC/156/21/2021 Medical Laboratory Assistant 01 U7Med
KSE/DSC/156/22/2021 Theatre Attendant 01 U7Med
KSE/DSC/156/23/2021 Askari 01 U8



All Kasese District service Commission Services are provided free of Charge and equal opportunity is given to all qualified Candidates. Avoid Conmen who pretend to be working for DSC or its members.

Ag. Secretary

District Service Commission – Kasese


Job Title                          :       District Engineer (Re-Advertised)

Job Ref                           :       KSE/DSC/156/01/2021

No. of Posts                    :       One (1)

Salary Scale                    :       U1Sc

Reports to                       :       Chief Administrative Officer

Type of appointment      :       Permanent

Job Purpose                    :       Coordinate and Manage all Engineering and                                                        Technical works in the District

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Providing technical advice and guidance to stakeholders;
  • Preparing technical specifications of contracts;
  • Supervising all the technical works in the District;
  • Preparing work plans and budgets for the technical works in the District;
  • Approving buildings and other structural plans;
  • Developing and Maintaining water and sanitation system
  • Enforcing Engineering and works policies



  • Should hold an Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institution.
  • Should also have a Masters in an engineering discipline.
  • Should be a registered Engineer with Uganda Engineers Registration Board (UERB).



At least nine (9) years in a civil engineering job, three of which should have been at the level of Principal Engineer (Civil) in Government or equivalent level of experience from a reputable organization.


Works and Technical Services

Job Title                          :       Physical Planner

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/02/2021

No. of Posts                      :       One (1)

Salary Scale                       :       U4Sc

Reports to                         :       Senior Land Management Officer

Type of appointment      :       Permanent


Job Purpose                    :       To undertake physical planning of towns and                                                     trading centres within the District and ensure that               building plans conform to the master plan.

Key Functions

  • Planning towns and trading centres in the District;
  • Guiding developers in processing proper building plans;
  • Enforcing the Town and County Planning Act, 1964; and other relevant laws;
  • Drawing the structural land use layout;
  • Drawing site plans for plot (building) developments and processing their approval;
  • Demarcating plots in towns/ trading centres;
  • Inspecting structures/ buildings in town/ trading centres to ensure compliance with the land use plan;
  • Maintaining the District planning information, equipment and records; and
  • Guiding District Authorities on balanced development.



  • An Honors Bachelors Degree in either Physical Planning; Regional Planning; Urban Planning or any other relevant qualification from a recognized training Institution.
  • Knowledge of computer software application packages specially Geographical Information Systems (G.I.S.) and Automated Computer Aided Design (AUTOCAD)



Job Title                            :       Assistant Engineering Officer (Civil)

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/03/2021

No. of Posts                      :       Two (2)

Salary Scale                       :       U5Sc

Reports to                         :       Engineering Officer

Type of appointment      :       Permanent


Job Purpose                    :       To support and handle civil engineering works in                  the Urban Council.

Key Functions

  • Preparing construction plans for civil works;
  • Providing technical support to the Local Communities provided;
  • Collecting and compiling data on construction and other civil works; and
  • Developing collaborative mechanisms with stakeholders.



Should hold a Higher Diploma or a Higher National Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institution.



Job Title                          :       Parish Chief

Job Ref No.                       :       KSE/DSC/156/04/2021

No. of Posts                      :       Nine(9)

Salary Scale                       :       U5L

Reports to                         :       Senior Assistant Secretary/Sub County Chief

Type of appointment      :       Permanent

Job Purpose:
To carry out the overall administration and management of a Parish Unit in the Local Government.

Key Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Preparing and compiling reports on parish operations for the attention of the Sub-County Chief;
  2. Collecting and accounting for Local revenue in the Parish;
  • Preparing work plans and budgets for the operations of the Parish;
  1. Enforcing the implementation of National and Local Government policies,

programs and Council bye-laws in the Parish;

  1. Undertaking the mobilization of the Parish Community for Government

development programs and projects;

  1. Providing technical support to the Parish Council on any matters relating to

lower Local Government governance;

  • Undertaking duties of Secretariat to the Parish Council;
  • Managing and monitoring Local Government projects implemented in the


  1. Coordinating the maintenance of law and order in a parish;


Diploma in Public Administration and Management, Social Work and Social Administration, Development Studies or Business Administration.


Job Title                          :       Law Enforcement Assistant

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/05/2021

No. of Posts                      :       One (1)

Salary Scale                       :       U8

Reports to                         :       Assistant Law Enforcement Officer

Type of appointment      :       Permanent


Job Purpose:

To enforce law and order in the urban Council.


Key Duties & Responsibilities

  1. Enforcing adherence to regulations and by-laws by the public;
  2. Supporting the Tax/Revenue department by arresting tax defaulters;
  • Carrying out operations as authorized by the T.C; and
  1. Investing and prosecuting the criminals.


“O” Level Education plus a Diploma in Law with formal training in policing and Criminal Investigation activities from a recognized institution



Job Title                          :       Driver

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/06/2021

No. of Posts                      :       Two (2)

Salary Scale                       :       U8

Reports to                         :       Any assigned Officer

Type of appointment      :       Permanent

Job Purpose:

To  drive  and  maintain  Local  Government  vehicle  in  accordance  with  the  transport  policy;  and  as directed by the supervising officer.


Key Functions

  • Driving vehicles for official duty and assignments;
  • Carrying out basic maintenance and cleanliness of the vehicle;
  • Reporting major technical mechanical faults to the supervising officer;
  • Maintaining basic records regarding the vehicles as instructed; and
  • Ensuring the safety of the vehicle while on dut



Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with a pass in English Language.

Valid Driving Permit of Class C or D.


Job Title                          :       Senior Agricultural Engineer (Water for                                                      Production)

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/07/2021

No. of Posts                      :       One (1)

Salary Scale                       :       U3Sc

Reports to                         :       Principal Agricultural Officer

Type of appointment      :       Permanent


Job Purpose                    :       To implement strategies, programmes and plans                  for sustainable utilization of agricultural                                    engineering technologies.

Key Functions

  • Implement plans and programmes for water for agricultural production.
  • Promote appropriate water for agricultural production technologies for improved agricultural production.
  • Collect, collate, analyse and disseminate data on water for agricultural production facilities.
  • Build capacity of staff and water user associations at community level on the management and maintenance of water facilities and structures.
  • Promote agricultural mechanization including animal traction, farm machinery and post-harvest technologies.
  • Provide technical guidance on water for agricultural production including construction of water reservoirs and irrigation technologies.
  • Carry out monitoring of soil characteristics and management of facilities for water for agricultural production.
  • Collaborate and network with the other stakeholders to provide appropriate water for agricultural production technologies in the district.
  • Prepare and disseminate reports to the district, MAAIF and other stakeholders


Person specifications 

  • Must have an Hons Bachelor of Science in either Agricultural Engineering/Irrigation Engineering/mechanical engineering or hydrology from a recognized institution plus a Post Graduate Diploma in any of the above fields.


  • Experience of at least 3 years in water for agricultural production in a reputable organization.


Job Title                          :       Veterinary Officer

Job Ref                           :       KSE/DSC/156/08/2021

No. of Posts                    :       One (1)

Salary Scale                    :       U4Sc

Reports to                       :       Senior Veterinary Officer

Type of appointment      :       Permanent

Job Purpose                    :       To control animal diseases, treat sick animals and               carry out better animal production activities

Key Functions

  • Provide guidance on policy and planning in the animal sub-sector in the sub county.
  • Provide quality assurance on agricultural services, inputs and products.
  • Promotion of Animal Health and Production.
  • Responding to disease outbreaks like Active Animal Disease Surveillance, through collection of various samples for Disease Investigations.
  • Prompt reporting and control of epidemic disease outbreaks such as Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP), Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD), and East coast fever through mass vaccination, quarantine and administration of curative drugs.
  • Collaborate with neighboring Sub-Counties in disease prevention, control and eradication.
  • Promote Animal Welfare to ensure the Animals have appropriate housing,
  • Create awareness and enforcement of veterinary laws, regulations and standards through inspection, issuance of permits and certificates.
  • Ensure control of tsetse flies, ticks and vectors of veterinary importance
  • Capacity building of service providers and extension staff on pest, disease control and Production.
  • Provision of veterinary public health services e.g. meat/milk inspection.
  • Prepare and disseminate reports to relevant stakeholders
  • Maintain and regularly update farmer’s register
  • Promote farmer institutional development
  • Promote agribusiness services
  • Regularly conduct training needs assessments and develop capacity building programs for stakeholders



Must have a Bachelors Degree in Veterinary Medicine from a recognized institution

Must be a registered Veterinary Surgeon.



Job Title                          :       Entomologist

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/09/2021

No. of Posts                      :       One (1)

Salary Scale                       :       U4Sc

Reports to                         :       Senior Veterinary Officer

Type of appointment      :       Permanent


Job Purpose                    :       To control tsetse flies and promote of                                                                Productive Entomology

Key Functions

  • Gathering and disseminating market information on productive insects;
  • Sensitizing communities to participate in tsetse control;
  • Training bee farmers for qualitative and quantitative production of bee products; and
  • Setting up apiary and sericulture demonstration centre
  • Implement plans and programmes regarding entomology activities in the district.
  • Carry out activities related to the productive entomology and control vector/vermin and tsetse flies.
  • Participate in prevention, control and eradication of tsetse flies, nuisance biting flies, ticks, vectors and vermin.
  • Participate in surveillance and monitoring of tsetse flies, nuisance biting flies, ticks, vectors and vermin out breaks and prevalence in the District.
  • Build capacity of technical staff at the Local Governments on entomological activities.
  • Participate in enforcement of standards and regulations on apiculture and sericulture development.
  • Participate in inspection and certification to promote trade in honey and bee products, sericulture products and by- products.
  • Collect, collate, analyse and disseminate data on entomology production and development.
  • Participate in quality assurance and auditing of delivery of productive entomology enterprises in the district.
  • Support public private partnership for value addition for productive entomology value chains.
  • Participate in monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the entomology services in the District.
  • Mobilize and sensitize the community to participate in productive entomology, tsetse and vector/vermin control activities.
  • Prepare and disseminate reports to the head of division.
  • Maintain and regularly update farmer’s register
  • Promote farmer institutional development
  • Promote agribusiness services



An honours Degree in Entomology or Parasitology from a recognised university Or Institution

Job Title                          :       Assistant Animal Husbandry Officer

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/10/2021

No. of Posts                      :       Two (2)

Salary Scale                       :       U5Sc

Reports to                         :       Veterinary Officer/Animal Husbandry Officer

Type of appointment      :       Permanent

Job Purpose                    :       To increase animal production and productivity


Key Functions

  • Treating and Vaccinating livestock, other domestic animals and poultry;
  • Training farmers on modern animal husbandry methods and animal nutrition;
  • Carrying out meat inspection; iv. Collecting and documenting data on livestock and poultry;
  • Establishing and enforcing Quarantine.



Must have a Diploma in Animal Health, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry or Ranch Management from a recognized Institution.





Job Title                          :       Education Assistant II

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/11/2021

No. of Posts                      :       Forty (40)

Salary Scale                       :       U7L

Reports to                         :       Senior Education Assistant

Type of appointment      :       Permanent

Job Purpose                    :       To teach, examine and assess learners’ progress                  on an                                    on-going basis in order to ensure functional              literacy, numeracy and basic communication skills.

Key Functions

  • To prepare the schemes of work and lesson plans in line with the approved curriculum on termly and weekly basis.
  • To conduct lessons and remedial work according to the set timetable.
  • To participate in setting, administering and marking internal and external examinations.
  • To carry out continuous assessment and evaluation of pupils performance.
  • To prepare and select appropriate learning aids/materials for classroom teaching.
  • To keep and maintain class records /inventory (Registers, records of work , progress reports and equipment)
  • To guide and counsel pupils.
  • To participate in class meetings.
  • To serve as classroom teacher.
  • To participate in co – curricula activities and community activities.
  • To conduct any other duties assigned that are related to the profession.


Minimum of a Grade III teaching Certificate or the equivalent from a recognized Institution

Must be registered with the Ministry of Education and Sports.


Job Title                          :       Planner

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/12/2021

No. of Posts                      :       One (1)

Salary Scale                       :       U4U

Reports to                         :       Senior Planner

Type of appointment      :       Permanent


Job Purpose                    :       To collect, analyse and process statistical data and                                             information to help in the planning, budgeting and              policy development.

Key Duties and Responsibilities

Collecting, Analyzing and storing Data

Producing Statistical Reports;

Appraising Development Projects

Organising and Implementing National Surveys;

Providing Technical Support on Statistical matters to Local Government;



An Honours Bachelor Degree in Economics or Bachelor of Science (Population Studies) from a recognized institution



Job Title                          :       Statistician

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/13/2021

No. of Posts                      :       One (1)

Salary Scale                       :       U4Sc

Reports to                         :       Senior Planner

Type of appointment      :       Permanent


Job Purpose                    :       To collect, analyse and process statistical data and                                             information to help in the planning, budgeting and              policy development.


Key Duties & Responsibilities

Collecting, Analyzing and storing Data

Producing Statistical Reports;

Appraising Development Projects

Organising and Implementing National Surveys;

Providing Technical Support on Statistical matters to Local Government;



An Honours Bachelor Degree in Statistics from a Recognised Institution.






Job Title                         : Assistant Inventory Management Officer

Job Ref No                       : KSE/DSC/156/14/2021

Salary Scale                     : U5

Reports to                        : Inventory Management Officer

Job Purpose                     : To Receive, issue and record stores in the organization

Key Duties and responsibilities

  • To receive, Keep, retrieve and issue stores in accordance with the established Procedures
  • To receive and compile requisition orders
  • To Verify Invoices against goods received notes
  • To Post and Maintain stores records
  • To undertake stock taking and stock protection


A Diploma in Stores/Supplies Management or Procurement or equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution


Job Title                         : Principal Education Officer (Municipality)-Re-Advertised

Job Ref No                       : KSE/DSC/156/15/2021

Salary Scale                     : U2

Reports to                        : Town Clerk

Job Purpose

To coordinate and provide technical and professional guidance in the management of Education and Sports policies, plans and programs in the Municipality.


Key Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Implementing Education laws, policies and regulations;
  2. Implementing approved education and sports development plans, strategies, and council decisions;
  • Providing technical and professional advice;
  1. Organizing and Facilitating teachers’ training programmes;
  2. Organizing and facilitating Teachers’ training programmes;
  3. Coordinating school inspection and sports programmes;
  • Coordinating Educational activities and programmes;
  • Maintaining an updated teachers’ personnel data bank; and
  1. Supervising and monitoring Educational curricular, examinations and sports events.


An Honours Bachelors Degree in Education from a recognized University or Institution.

A Post Graduate Diploma in Education Planning and Management, Public Administration or Human Resource Management from a recognized university or Institution.

Experience At least six (6) years working experience three (3) of which must have been at senior education Officer level in the Public Service.



Job Title                          :       Medical Officer

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/16/2021

No. of Posts                      :       Two (2)

Salary Scale                       :       U4Med

Reports to                         :       Senior Medical Officer

Type of appointment      :       Permanent

Job Purpose: To provide curative and preventive health care services.


Key Functions

  • Participating in planning and budgeting activities.
  • Diagnosing, treating and referring patients.
  • Accounting for allocated resources.
  • Participating in outreach Health programs
  • Participating in research activities.
  • Participating in continued professional development.
  • Adhering to professional Code of Conduct and Ethics.
  • Compiling and submitting reports.


Academic and professional requirements

  • Must have MBChB or equivalent from a recognized Institution.
  • Must be registered and Licensed with Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners
  • Must have a valid Annual Practicing License.


Job Title                          :       Clinical Officer

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/17/2021

No. of Posts                      :       One (1)

Salary Scale                       :       U5Med

Reports to                         :       Senior Clinical Officer

Type of appointment      :       Permanent

Job Purpose                    :       To diagnose, treat and manage patients in the                                                   Health Unit.

Key Functions

  1. a) Diagnosing and treating
  2. b) Referring patients.
  3. c) Participating in Continuous Professional Development activities.
  4. d) Participating in Research activities.
  5. e) Conducting health education to patients;
  6. f) Participating in research activities.
  7. g) Adhering to the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
  8. h) Accounting for allocated resources.
  9. i) Compiling and submitting reports.


Academic and professional requirements

  • Must have a Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Community Health or its equivalent from a recognized Institution
  • Must be registered with the Allied Health Professionals Council.
  • Must have a valid practicing license.


Job Title                          :       Anaesthetic Officer

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/18/2021

No. of Posts                      :       One (1)

Salary Scale                       :       U5Med

Reports to                         :       Medical Officer

Type of appointment      :       Permanent

Job Purpose                    :       To administer anesthesia and manage patients.

Key Functions

  • Planning and budgeting for Anaesthetic activities.
  • Preparing patients for anesthesia and administering it.
  • Providing pre and post-operative care to patient.
  • Providing resuscitation services in case of emergency and disaster situations.
  • Ensuring that anesthetic operational equipment is safe and maintained.
  • Carrying out Human Resource management activities.
  • Adhering to the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
  • Participating in research activities.
  • Accounting for allocated resources.
  • Compiling and submitting reports.
  • Participate in Professional Continuous Development.

Academic and professional requirements

  • Must have a Diploma in Anaesthesia from a recognized Institution.
  • Must be registered with the Allied Health Professionals Council.
  • Must have a valid practicing License.


Job Title                            :       Enrolled Midwife

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/19/2021

No. of Posts                      :       Three (3)

Salary Scale                       :       U7Med

Reports to                         :       Senior Enrolled Midwife or Assistant Nursing                                                       Officer (Midwifery)

Type of appointment      :       Permanent

Job Purpose                   :        To Provide Midwifery Services

Key duties and responsibilities

  • Participating in continuous coverage on wards and units.
  • Administering treatment as prescribed.
  • Carrying out midwifery procedures.
  • Carrying out observations, keep proper records and ensure their safe custody.
  • Participating in ward rounds.
  • Receiving and registering patients.
  • Preparing patients for meals and participate in serving them.
  • Adhering to aseptic procedures.
  • Adhering to professional and ethical code of conduct.
  • Carrying out health education.
  • Participating in primary health care activities.

Academic and professional requirements

  • Must have a Certificate of Enrolled Midwifery from a recognized Institution.
  • Must be enrolled with the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council.
  • Must hold a valid practicing license



Job Title                          :       Health Assistant

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/20/2021

No. of Posts                      :       One (1)

Salary Scale                       :       U7Med

Reports to                         :       Health Inspector

Type of appointment      :       Permanent

Job Purpose                     :       To promote hygiene and sanitation.


Key Functions

  • Participating in community based environmental health activities.
  • Enforcing the Environmental Health Act, Regulations and By-laws.
  • Accounting for allocated resources.
  • Liaising with local authorities in organizing home improvement competitions.
  • Participating in research activities.
  • Compiling and submitting reports.

Academic and professional requirements

  • Must have a Certificate in Environmental Health Science from a recognized Institution.
  • Must be registered with the Allied Health Professionals Council.
  • Must have a valid practicing License.



Job Title                          :       Medical Laboratory Assistant

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/21/2021

No. of Posts                      :       One (1)

Salary Scale                       :       U8

Reports to                         :       Medical Laboratory Technician

Type of appointment      :       Permanent

Job Purpose                     :      To conduct elementary laboratory analysis.


Key Functions

  • Preparing laboratory reagents and stains for routine investigations
  • Carrying out basic laboratory tests and submitting reports.
  • Observing safety and quality assurance practices in laboratories.
  • Cleaning the laboratory equipment regularly.
  • Safely disposing off laboratory waste.
  • Participate in Continuous Professional Development.
  • Adhere to the Professional Code of Conduct and Ethics.


Academic and professional requirements

  • A Certificate in Medical Laboratory Techniques or its equivalent from a recognized Institution
  • Must be registered with Allied Health Professionals Council.
  • Must have a valid Practicing License




Job Title                          :       Theatre Attendant

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/22/2021

No. of Posts                      :       One (1)

Salary Scale                       :       U8

Reports to                         :       Theatre Assistant

Type of appointment      :       Permanent

Job Purpose                   :       To maintain cleanliness of the theatre and theatre                                             equipment

Key Functions

  • Cleaning theatre before and after operation.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting surgical instruments and equipment.
  • Packing drums for sterilization.
  • Collecting and returning sterilized drums.
  • Disposing off surgical waste safely.


Must have a Uganda Certificate of Education with passes in science subjects from a recognized institution



Job Title                          :       Askari

Job Ref                             :       KSE/DSC/156/20/2021

No. of Posts                      :       One (1)

Salary Scale                       :       U8

Reports to                         :

Type of appointment      :       Permanent

Job Purpose                   :       To provide security services to the organization.

Key Functions

  • Checking and properly locking premises at the close of the day;
  • Apprehending and questioning suspects for proper identification;
  • Directing visitors to the reception for more information;
  • Reporting theft cases and preparing reports to the authorities;
  • Patrolling premises to ensure maximum security;
  • Maintaining security of government vehicles; and
  • Keeping security at important entry point


O’level certificate with training in Security


Notice Board


Kasese District Local Government has received funds from the Ministry of Education and Sports to support the construction of Muhindi primary school in Nyakiyumbu Sub County in Kasese District and hereby invites legible companies to apply under open domestic bidding. The details in regard to this advert can be viewed on the Kasese District Website, and in the Procurement and Disposal Unit, Kasese during working hours. A non refundable fee is shs. 50,000=
The planned procurement schedule (subject to changes) is as follows:
Activity Date/Schedule
a) Publish bid notice 4th February, 2021
b) Pre-bid meeting Nil
c) Bid closing and opening 24th February, 2021
d) Bid evaluation process 26th February, 2021
e) Display and communication of Best Evaluated Bidders notice 3rd March 2021
f) Contract Award and signature 18th March 2021

Accounting Officer
Kasese District Local Government

Notice Board

Job Advert Feb 2021

Applicationsareinvitedfrom Suitably Qualified  Ugandans  to fill the existing vacant posts in the Education Department of Kitagwenda District LocalGovernment.
Applications Should be submitted In Triplicate on PSF Form 3 (Revised 2008)
Visit to download a copy

Notice Board




visit our E-Library to download a copy

Notice Board







Tel: 03933224144, (0752611204)



                   Date: 9th November 2020




Fellow citizens of Kasese, The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Corona Virus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) a global pandemic on 11th March 2020. Since this declaration, the situation in Uganda and Kasese District in particular has continuously deteriorated with rapidly increasing confirmed positive cases.  To date the District has recorded 120 Positive cases and 2 deaths and in the period of two weeks we have registered new 70 positive cases from the communities all over the District.

As the number of COVID-19 Cases increase in the communities, Ministry of Health (MOH) has introduced Home based Care Management of COVID-19 Cases only for those who meet the following criteria:

  • COVID-19 Positive cases with no symptoms or with mild illness
  • Patients with no known risk of developing complications or progressing to severe COVID-19 Disease
  • Patients who demonstrate the understanding of the Rationale of why people need to stay home when sick until cleared for Discharge or De-isolation and expresses willingness to comply with the Home based isolation and Guidelines until discharge or De-Isolation.
  • Any patient discharge from treatment center for Home based care.

All community members are asked to adhere to this new COVID-19 Care model and stop harassing COVID-19 Positive cases under Home Based Care.

In addition to the above, the District Task force has noticed that community members are not observing the Standard Operating procedures and guidelines for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and therefore calls upon the community to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. No person should be allowed to move in public without putting on a face Mask.
  2. No public place (Markets, public offices, Banks, Hotels, Schools, Shops and Taxi & Bus parks) should operate without hand washing facility with a disinfectant.
  3. All Motorcycle including Boda-bodas Riders should be in Face Masks and Helmets and strictly carry only passenger who should also be dressed in Face Mask.
  4. All Taxi and Bus operators should carry half of their vehicle capacity and all passengers in facemasks.
  5. Practice behaviors that prevent the spread of COVID-19 Like: Avoiding contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms, Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, Avoiding hand shaking and hugging, Maintain a social distance of at least two (2) meters from one another, if you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care and make sure you and all people around follow good respiratory hygiene, by covering mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue while sneezing or coughing.
  6. For weddings, funerals, church, Mosques and any other gatherings are restricted to a maximum of 70 people with observance of SOPs on COVID-19.

All local Authorities and Security Organs are asked to actively participate in sensitizing, enforcing and monitoring adaption to the COVID 19 Health Guidelines any other Standard Operating Procedures to prevent further spread of the Disease.

The general Public is also advised to report any suspected cases and contacts to the nearest Health facility or call; 0777390516 OR 0703231034- District surveillance focal person

For more information, call the Ministry of Health toll free line on: 919, 0800-100-066, 0800-203-033 and 0800-303-033 or send a free SMS to Report on 8500



Lt Joe Walusimbi



Notice Board Uncategorized

The District Budget 2020/21

A total of Ushs. 86,410,621,000 has been projected as total revenue for the FY 2020/21 compared to Ushs. 74,008,326,000 during
the FY 2019/20 representing a 16.8% increase in the revenue forecast. The district has projected to raise Ushs 5,277,935,000 from
locally generated sources compared to Ushs. 1,620,462,000 during the FY 2019/20 representing an increase of 225.7%. The
increment is mainly as a result of re-adjustments in projections in local revenue sources such as loyalties, inspection fees, property
related duties and LST. Central government transfers will increase by 13.1% in the FY 2020/21 compared to the FY 2019/20. The
projected Good performance during the FY is attributed to 1) increase in wage allocations in Education, Health and Production
sectors, 2) increase in pension, gratuity and pension arrears, 3) increased funding under in development mainly in Roads, Health,
Production and Education UGFIT for construction of Seed Schools, Increase in non-wage allocation to Education mainly for
maintenance of school infrastructure & capacity building of education stakeholders, additional grants to cater for recurrent costs,
and payment of LCs ex-gratia, and honoraria for councilors. Donor support is projected to reduce by 1.4% majorly due to reduced
commitment of Baylor towards Results Based Financing and DGF due to uncertainties surrounding the global pandemic of COVID
19 towards accountability related interventions across the district.

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Aggrey Winston Muramira

Chief Administrative Officer


Blog Notice Board

BID NOTICE 2019/20