A total of Ushs. 86,410,621,000 has been projected as total revenue for the FY 2020/21 compared to Ushs. 74,008,326,000 during
the FY 2019/20 representing a 16.8% increase in the revenue forecast. The district has projected to raise Ushs 5,277,935,000 from
locally generated sources compared to Ushs. 1,620,462,000 during the FY 2019/20 representing an increase of 225.7%. The
increment is mainly as a result of re-adjustments in projections in local revenue sources such as loyalties, inspection fees, property
related duties and LST. Central government transfers will increase by 13.1% in the FY 2020/21 compared to the FY 2019/20. The
projected Good performance during the FY is attributed to 1) increase in wage allocations in Education, Health and Production
sectors, 2) increase in pension, gratuity and pension arrears, 3) increased funding under in development mainly in Roads, Health,
Production and Education UGFIT for construction of Seed Schools, Increase in non-wage allocation to Education mainly for
maintenance of school infrastructure & capacity building of education stakeholders, additional grants to cater for recurrent costs,
and payment of LCs ex-gratia, and honoraria for councilors. Donor support is projected to reduce by 1.4% majorly due to reduced
commitment of Baylor towards Results Based Financing and DGF due to uncertainties surrounding the global pandemic of COVID
19 towards accountability related interventions across the district.
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Aggrey Winston Muramira
Chief Administrative Officer