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Members of Kasese District Disaster Management committee have expressed their distress over the developing crack on Muhokya town council land which is currently occupied by the Internally Displaced Persons   .

This issue was raised by Mr.Buhaka Lucas commonly known as the voice of the Voiceless in the Disaster Management coordination meeting held at the district council hall yesterday 5th December 2023. Mr. Buhaka was worried of the pace government is taking to respond and yet the level of vulnerability of the people living in Muhokya and the neighborhood qualifies it to be a matter of urgency .

The developing crack was said to be increasing gradually and equally increasing the magnitude of risk exposure especially of the people living in Muhokya IDP and the sorrounding area.

The ChairPerson Muhokya IDP camp Mrs. Aryema Rehema, said that Crack has increased the flooding in Muhokya IDP camp and the situation worsened this rainy season of Sept to December.

She added that the crack seems to be stretching from uphill to the lower land and as people in the IDP they are terribly in fear of any likely disaster that may occur out of the crack. She cried out to government to speed up the process of settling the people in the camp because the camp is not suitable for settlement due to the crack that is causing flooding.

Responding to the issue of the Crack in Muhokya, the senior Environmental Officer Mr. Kooli Augustine, said that the issue of the crack has been brought to the attention of Office of the Prime Minister however its still pending response from OPM. He advised the committee on the need to carryout a geological study which will inform stakeholders from appropriate intervention.

The Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Mr Ntarwete Eliab said that the issue should be brought to attention of Members of Parliament so that it is tabled in parliament of action.

He asked members of the Committee to organize a monitoring visit to all areas in the district that are vulnerable to disasters to conduct risk assessment as well as monitoring human activities that are leading to disasters.

Mr Ntarwete Eliab emphasized the need to plan with facts from the community and not planning without going on ground to do fact finding.

In the meeting, the subcounty Chief of Mpunga Mr. Syaipuma Edson asked the disaster committee to carryout comprehensive monitoring of all vulnerable sub counties. He reported that 2 cracks are also developing in Mpunga Subcounty and this equally needs intervention.

The meeting resolved to engage a Geologist to conduct a study on the magnitude of the crack, compile a comprehensive report  as advised by the Senior Environment Plan which shall be submitted to parliament through district representatives to parliament.